August 2020 by Rebecca Bisset 4 Min Read
We spoke to energy healer PANKAJ GUPTA to demystify the practice and find out more about his modern, diagnostic approach to healing, with its growing legion of global followers, called The Pankaj Method® (TPM). According to Pankaj, TPM has roots in ancient healing methods, and solves contemporary mental and physical health issues. Speaking to us from his Singapore base, he shared his knowledge on how his method helps to increase immunity, inner peace and energy levels.
Can you tell us about energy healing and the methods you use?
Consider the idea that suffering is not a natural part of life. I developed TPM to help clients free themselves of so-called incurable pain, emotional hurt and mental anxieties.
Many people are experiencing fear and anxiety due to the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown. Anxiety and fears are emotions that are controlling you and making your life experience poorer. TPM can free you of these uneasy emotions.
Many of us suppress our emotions. Eventually they end up reappearing in the wrong places and we end up losing control, confidence and energy. Conventional therapy can be good at identifying emotions that trouble you, but it cannot free you from those feelings.
Most mental health issues are actually emotional health issues, and TPM can help resolve them, often in one session.
If we find ourselves in an emotional tussle, what should we do?
During these difficult times the first thing to do is not be hard on yourself. You are under increased pressure and are doing your best, aren’t you? It’s okay to feel emotional these days when life is extremely demanding. To perform better, your energy needs to be better.
TPM is all about increasing and purifying your energy, which in turn can increase your confidence, stamina, happiness and clarity.
So, are we supposed to control our emotions?
We should understand our emotional nature, because emotions can control us. When we lose control of our emotions we lose a lot of energy. That contributes to a life of pain and low energy. If you are healed at an energetic level, it puts you in control, for life.
So how does your method work?
Many people don’t understand energy because it is invisible. The energy system in your body controls your pain and health. I’ve studied this system as an engineer and have developed tools to fix it for modern times, where time is short and problems are plenty!
TPM diagnoses the precise energy blocks that are creating your pain, emotional distress or disease. Then a customised energy-based treatment clears those blocks by using appropriate techniques. The best way to see it is like a school of medicine: energy medicine. I work like an energy doctor. Clients see me for problems ranging from incurable pain to mental stress and emotional issues.
Does TPM work online?
Energy by nature is infinite and not limited by distance. I have helped to heal clients around the world online for over 20 years.
What type of problems can you treat and how many sessions does someone typically need?
Clients see me for a variety of issues from autoimmune diseases and chronic pain, to low energy, anxiety, depression, trauma, grief, emotional issues and mental stress. Many clients see results in one session while others’ may take longer. The main point is that TPM may be able to give a long-term solution, and you can help yourself heal too.
Can we learn the method and administer it on ourselves?
I run experiential workshops, where students learn to diagnose and unblock specific energy blocks, to get pain relief for long-term issues. Most importantly, I teach you how not to block your energy, which can help you live with higher energy, better confidence and exemplary health. You can use these tools on your children and family members too.
Wow, so what kind of life could we lead if our energy were unblocked?
More energy, vitality, inner peace, and stronger immunity, resulting in better performance at work, home and other areas of your life.
You’re a trained engineer; how did you get into energy healing?
As a child I suffered from an un-diagnosable pain in my knee and acute migraines. These got worse into early adulthood, and painkillers helped to cope, not cure. The quality of my life had diminished, and I was desperate to lead a normal life. So I looked at alternative solutions. When my lifelong pain healed I felt an overwhelming passion to show people that incurable pain can be cured.
How did you heal yourself?
I spent time with Himalayan Yogis in India studying their energy healing methods. I then researched and developed modern techniques over 10 years. Armed with this knowledge, I developed The Pankaj Method® as a modern healing method.
Do you have any advice for readers who may be struggling with emotional baggage or long term physical problems?
There’s a lot going on that humanity has never been prepared for, so be easy on yourself. Seek professional help to unblock energies and regain your inner peace. There is hope and a real solution in TPM. I encourage those suffering to reach out for a consultation, or attend a workshop to gain a better understanding, inner peace and strong immunity.

+65 8491 0565 |
This article is in the September 2020 edition of Expat Living Magazine. To read this article on the Expat Living website click here.

Rebecca Bisset
Rebecca’s background is photography and video research, and she tends to see images and colours before words. She’s lived in many countries but Singapore has been home for over 22 years (which, she says, makes her very old!). Rebecca loves looking at properties and all things home décor.